Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The shortened story of my accident in the news before they caught the girl who ran me over.


An ad from Youtube

Is drinking and driving worth your life? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xl0YYyuqMlA&NR=1

Message between the girl that ran me over and myself!

The girl who ran me over and drove off without stopping sent me this message on facebook..two years after it happened.  Remoresful but yet a little late.  It's better she apologized at all though.Remorseful or not?

From Facebook

Some Pictures from my accident ...aftermath of getting ran over
-----22 stitches, 17 staples ...a week after it happened
 again...a week after it happened..accident occured Aug. 7, 2008
                    month after the accident occured
                          Again. ..this picture is a month after

Check out my twitter :)

Here's my twitter account to check out my blog !